Sunday, July 20, 2008

Bandit the Raccoon

Bandit, the pregnant or nursing raccoon visits our house just about every day to raid bird feeders as she is doing here, or to tip the humming bird feeders so the sticky liquid runs over her fur, that she then proceeds to lick. And for the grand finale, she usually squeezes under the garage door to finish up the remains of the cat food, and wash her paws in their water bowl. Living out in the country is always interesting ....


Anonymous said...

You should put up pics of her sweet babies :)

firecracker said...

I did - they are too cute!

Brynn & Dan said...

Be careful, Mom. Momma raccoons, as cute as they are, can get territorial with new babies.

P.S. Watch out for the kitties, too... tiger might be fine, but probably not suzie... except maybe if she sits on them! :)

firecracker said...

Brynny - yes -I know about those mommas! I trapped a baby in the garage by accident and boy did I get told!!!