Sunday, September 7, 2008

Annie's kittens

While Annie was babysitting our animals during our trip with the Yosts, she brought her pregnant cat, Missy, to stay at our home with her. The Sunday we were returning from Austin, Missy gave birth, under our bed!!, to 4 sweet kittens, one female and three males. They are 3 tabbies and one black.

Twenty days old! They are Isabel (Izzy for short, my favorite), Bear (the all black one), Pippin, and Colby. He was originally CB for Cry Baby because he is such a momma's boy but Annie decided he needed a more sophisticated name!
5 weeks old - they started eating wet food, pouncing, running - it has really been fun to watch them change nearly every day!
This is Isabel - Izzy!
This is Pippin!
This is Colby!
Izzy and Colby playing!


Theresa said...

Oh my! I want all of them. Cousin, I think CB is a great name...oh wait I call Mikko punkin butt...maybe I am not the best judge of names.

firecracker said...

They are so much fun Theresa - tonight they were chasing, fighting, doing the kitty side step with arched back, spitting, hissing - all of it and they just 6 weeks old!

Unknown said...

Mom that picture you said was Pippin is just another pic of Izzy. Pip doesn't have the white face like she does!

firecracker said...

Ok I fixed it - picky, picky!!!