Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Congo comes to live with us, icestorm and Korean visitors!

The weekend before Kate and Charlie left, we had Sam and Woan, John and Barney and us over for dinner. The following night Kate and Charlie prepared a traditional Korean meal for the 6 of us - we will be sad to see them leave.
Kate and Charlie!
On Feb 5, the weekend after Dana came, we became home stay parents for Kate, shown at left, an English teacher from south Korea. She is a Fulbright scholar and she and 37 other Fulbrights flew into Texas on Jan 5 and stayed for a month at the Texas International Education Consortium in Austin taking intensive English classes. Then they were sent all over Texas, including 6 who came to Denton for two weeks. We did many fun things including taking them to see calf roping, shown above, the National Western Stock Show and Rodeo in Ft. Worth, a Texas barbecue at a ranch up north of town, the King Tut display at the Dallas Museum of Art, many evenings of food and conversation - it was a great experience. Charlie is also shown in this picture and he stayed in the home of our dear friends, the Sanborns - Barney is in this picture.
Congo has an amazing repertoire of songs, sounds, and voices. He is a beautiful parrot, white and grey and a tail that looks like someone dipped in red paint! He is about the same age as Baby - 9 and has really bonded to Dennis. As soon as Dennis walks in the door, Congo flies to him and tries to feed him - yuk. But Dana tells us its his way of taking care of his friend. Our favorite thing he does is at night - right after we cover him up, lift up the cover slightly, he says in his manly voice "Peek-a-boo"!! it's so funny.

Just after the ice storm, we arranged with Audrey's brother Dana to adopt his African grey parrot, Congo - he's on Dennis' shoulder and Baby on his arm - he seems to be adjusting really well, although Baby is scared to death of him. Every time he flies, she runs for cover! It's just as well - he is the ONLY thing she has not been aggressive toward!

The first week of February caught Texans by surprise with an ice storm and we had a day and a half at home during the week. I took this picture the morning after - you can see the ice in the trees. The driveway was frozen solid with about 1/2" of ice - but you have to remember that Texans don't do ice!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe Dad held both of them at once! Scary!

firecracker said...

I am glad somebody reads the blog! The birdies have been really close on several occasions and seem to just give each other space but I still don't trust them alone

Brynn & Dan said...

*laughs* I'm sorry, is that ice or frost? Looks like frost to me. ;) Just kidding, just kidding!

Congo looks like he's fitting right in! Maybe Baby will take a liking to him eventually, she's just not used to having to share her humans (or her space).