Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A New Year's gift to remember

Happy New Year DiMarco's!

Well things couldn't have gone any better to finish off the year. The past 3 years my core friends (5 of us) would all get together and cook dinner for the spouses/girlfriends. One year we made a 6course lobster dinner. Another year we had a huge fondue party. This year we did homemade pizzas. I got to make all the dough while other friends grated the cheese, cut the meats, made the sauces or put together the appetizers: pork skewers, crab cakes and humus. We started cooking around 4pm and people didn't leave until about 4am. We had a few drinks, played a massive amount of Guitar Hero and had a ton of laughs. And to add to this tradition that we started we decided to toss in a white elephant gift exchange. If you're unfamiliar to what that is...well...to put it nicely, you re-wrap a gift that you really don't care for that you received. I really don't want to say what gift(s) Theresa and I decided to part our ways with...but I will share to you what outstand gift I received in exchange. I was happy to open up a new pair of pajama pants:


Audrey DiMarco said...

you had us beat on New Years Eve or New Years Day for that matter. We came home with colds, doped ourselves up on NyQuil and went to bed! Oh and dare I forget the glass of champagne pre- midnight, since I couldn't manage to stay up that late! Miss you guys.

~Lisa~ said...

I WANT those pants! Can't wait to see where they might turn up again...
Along with the "hot flash" gift from the family game when everyone was here!
I'm smiling at the fun I got to take part in that week :) What a wonderful family!